
To join our Waiting List, you can write to the registered office at 42A Norsey Road, Billericay, CM11 1AE, giving your name, address and telephone number, or alternatively you may telephone the office on 01277 659385. 

You will then be contacted and an appointment made to visit you at your home by our Warden and a Committee Member.  This will provide an opportunity for an open discussion about the Association and enable you to ask any questions that you may have. An application form will be provided, and if you wish to further your interest, then your application will be discussed at the next quarterly Committee Meeting and if successful a letter will then be sent to you to confirm that you are on our Waiting List.

Although it’s difficult to say how long it may take before you can take up a tenancy, between two and three years is considered an average wait period.

If you wish to contact us by email, please use the form below.